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Cenex®品牌宣布,Hometown Throwdown音乐节的前三名决赛选手将赢得100美元的奖金,000 grand prize


Apr 15, 2024

Hometown Throwdown通过奖励150美元延续了该品牌回馈社区的传统,为当地的节日提供资金


Cenex®, CHS Inc .旗下的皇冠hga010安卓二维码品牌., announced today that 海沃德麝香节, Wisconsin; Norborne Soybean Festival in Norborne, Missouri; and Roseau Fall Harvest Festival in Roseau, Minnesota,是家乡扔掷音乐节的前三名决赛选手. 个人可以为他们最喜欢的节日投票,截止日期为5月15日 来决定十万块大奖的得主.

Hometown Throwdown是Cenex在去年秋天发起的一项社交媒体竞赛, 通过邀请个人和组织分享他们家乡节日的独特之处,鼓励了当地的自豪感. 从10月11日开始的报名期间,收到了500多份电影节提交的作品. 3 through Dec. 15, 2023.

最佳电影节的投票从今天开始,一直持续到2024年5月15日. 个人最多可在网上投票一次 The $100,在投票结束后,将根据规则选出000名大奖获奖者,并将于5月24日公布, 2024. 剩下的两名决赛选手将分别获得2.5万美元.

“在Cenex,我们坚定地致力于支持我们称之为家的当地社区. Hometown Throwdown通过庆祝当地节日来延续这一传统,这些节日培养了社区自豪感,并建立了社区联系,” says Akhtar Hussain, CHS Inc .精炼燃料营销总监. “我们很兴奋地宣布海沃德麝香音乐节, 诺伯恩黄豆节和罗索秋收节是前三名. 每一个独特的节日都代表了使家乡节日如此特别的活力精神和精髓. 我们鼓励每个人投票,帮助我们决定哪个节日将获得100美元,000 grand prize."

故乡Throwdown的灵感来自Cenex品牌强大的当地根基,是其悠久历史的延续,回馈它称之为家的社区. 这个品牌的核心是本土化的,由社区成员经营的400多家零售店遍布19个州. 迄今为止,Cenex已经提供了50多万美元的赠款来支持当地社区. 这些努力为80多个社区项目提供了资金, 包括改善老化的棒球场, 在学校提供体育讲习班, 支持当地食品收容所等.

澳门皇冠赌场平台Hometown Throwdown的附加信息, 有关投票要求和限制的更多详细信息,请参阅

如果你想了解更多澳门皇冠赌场平台Cenex品牌回馈当地社区的方式, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, or visit

About Cenex

Cenex (, CHS Inc .旗下的皇冠hga010安卓二维码品牌., 提供高品质的精炼燃料通过超过1,遍布19个州的400家当地便利店. 消费者依赖Cenex的燃料, lubricants, 丙烷和可再生皇冠hga010安卓二维码产品为家庭供电, 企业和社区.

About CHS Inc.

CHS Inc. (建立联系,赋予农业权力. 作为全球领先的农业综合企业和美国最大的农民合作社, CHS的客户遍布65个国家,拥有近10名员工,000 people worldwide. 我们提供关键的作物投入, 市场准入和风险澳门皇冠赌场平台服务,帮助农民养活世界. 我们多元化的农艺、谷物、食品和皇冠hga010安卓二维码业务录得45美元的收入.2023财政年度为60亿美元. 我们通过皇冠hga010安卓二维码成为环境的管家来促进可持续发展, 建立经济活力,加强社区和员工福利.

本文件和其他CHS Inc .. 可公开获取的文件包括, and CHS officers, 董事及代表可不时作出, “前瞻性陈述”是指美国法律规定的安全港条款.S. 1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案. 前瞻性陈述可以通过“预期”等词来识别," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should,“将”和类似的对未来时期的引用. 前瞻性陈述既不是历史事实,也不是对未来业绩的保证. Instead, 它们只是基于CHS当前的信念, 对其业务未来的期望和假设, 财务状况和经营成果, 未来的计划和策略, projections, 预期的事件和趋势, 经济和其他未来状况. 因为前瞻性陈述与未来有关, 它们受制于固有的不确定性, 难以预测的风险和环境变化,其中许多不在卫生服务中心的控制范围之内. CHS的实际结果和财务状况可能与前瞻性陈述中所示的有重大差异. 因此,您不应过分依赖这些前瞻性陈述. 可能导致CHS实际结果和财务状况与前瞻性陈述中显示的重大差异的重要因素在CHS提交给美国的文件中进行了讨论或确定.S. 美国证券交易委员会, 包括在截至8月31日的财政年度CHS年度报告10-K表格第1A项的“风险因素”讨论中, 2023. These factors may include changes in commodity prices; the impact of government policies, mandates, regulations and trade agreements; global and regional political, economic, legal and other risks of doing business globally; the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine; the escalation of conflict in the Middle East; the impact of inflation; the impact of epidemics, pandemics, 疾病暴发和其他不利的公共卫生发展, including COVID-19; the impact of market acceptance of alternatives to refined petroleum products; consolidation among our suppliers and customers; nonperformance by contractual counterparties; changes in federal income tax laws or our tax status; the impact of compliance or noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations; the impact of any governmental investigations; the impact of environmental liabilities and litigation; actual or perceived quality, safety or health risks associated with our products; the impact of seasonality; the effectiveness of our risk management strategies; business interruptions, casualty losses and supply chain issues; the impact of workforce factors; our funding needs and financing sources; financial institutions' and other capital sources' policies concerning energy-related businesses; technological improvements that decrease the demand for our agronomy and energy products; our ability to complete, 整合并从收购中获益, strategic alliances, joint ventures, divestitures and other nonordinary course-of-business events; security breaches or other disruptions to our information technology systems or assets; the impact of our environmental, 社会和治理实践, including failures or delays in achieving our strategies or expectations related to climate change or other environmental matters; the impairment of long-lived assets; the impact of bank failures; and other factors affecting our businesses generally. CHS在本文件中所作的任何前瞻性陈述仅基于CHS目前可获得的信息,且仅在陈述当日有效. CHS没有义务更新任何前瞻性声明, 无论是书面的还是口头的, 这可能会不时发生, 是否是新信息的结果, 未来发展或其他情况,除非适用法律要求.